Watershed Management
Watershed Management protects and improves the quality of our creeks, streams, lakes, bays and coastal waters.
What is a watershed? A watershed is an area of land that drains to an open body of water. In Pinellas County, every square foot of land drains somewhere.
For example, rainwater runs from your lawn and driveway, down the street along the gutter to a storm drain, then runs through underground pipes to a neighborhood pond or stream. It drains to Allen’s Creek, Brooker Creek, Lake Tarpon, Lake Seminole, Cross Bayou or other areas of water. Eventually, it washes into the open waters of Tampa Bay and the Gulf of Mexico.
As stormwater drains to water bodies, it carries everything we leave on the land, including fertilizers, dog waste, trash, motor oil and other substances.
What you do in and around your home and in your community impacts our watershed. Simple changes in our behaviors can help prevent pollution and promote a healthy watershed. Learn more in the Watershed Brochure (En español).
File or Report Issues
Pinellas County Code prohibits dumping of any hazardous waste, including chemicals, oil, sewage or yard waste, into the stormwater system or any water bodies in the county. Fines of up to $10,000 per violation, plus cleanup costs, can be levied.
- File a water quality complaint online for bays, lakes, ponds, creeks.
- Report pollution by emailing watershed@pinellas.gov if you see someone polluting.
Permits and Regulations
- Dock / Dredge & Fill Permits
- Fertilizer & Landscape Information (For residents, applicators and landscapers)
- Mangrove Trimming and Regulations
Additional Information
- Red Tide
- Regulatory Programs
- Stormwater Runoff
- Surface Water Assessment Fee
- Water Quality Monitoring Programs
- Watershed Management Plan Information