Pinellas County Statement of Ethics

We, the employees of Pinellas County, as providers of public service; and, in order to inspire confidence and trust, are committed to the highest standards of personal integrity, honesty and competence.

To This End We Will

Provide open and accessible government, giving courteous, responsive service to all citizens equally.

Accept only authorized compensation for the performance of our duties and respectfully decline any offers of gifts or gratuities from those with whom we do business.

Disclose or report any actual or perceived conflicts of interest.

Comply with all laws and regulations applicable to the County and impartially apply them to everyone.

Neither apply nor accept improper influences, favoritism and personal bias.

Use County funds and resources efficiently, including materials, equipment and our time.

Respect and protect the privileged information to which we have access in the course of our duties, never using it to stir controversy, to harm others or for private gain.

Recognizing that government must serve the best interests of all citizens, we stand as representatives of responsible government, acting at all times to merit public confidence in ourselves and Pinellas County.