
A wide array of initiatives across Pinellas County to improve the well being and livelihood of its residents and visitors.

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Government Offices

Boards, Councils, and Committees


Oyster Shell Recycling Pilot Program

Why Recycle Oyster Shells? There is no reason for discarded oyster shells to be sent to a landfill when they can be...

ArtWorks – Graffiti Abatement Program

ArtWorks is a partnership between Creative Pinellas and Pinellas County Public Works to discourage graffiti and foster community beautification projects in Pinellas...

Coastal Management Program

Pinellas County is a peninsula with 35 miles of sandy beaches on 11 barrier islands. The sand is what attracts visitors from...

Living Shorelines Program

Protect Your Property & Help the Environment Living shorelines use natural elements such as oyster reefs, marsh grasses and mangroves to protect...

Pavement Preservation & MSTU Road Paving Programs

Pavement Preservation Overview Pavement preservation is completed to protect the base material of our roads and minimize pavement issues, such as potholes...

Move Safe Pinellas

Move Safe, Pinellas enhances bicyclist and pedestrian safety to reduce related crashes and fatalities in Pinellas County. Since 2018, the award-winning safety...

Florida-Friendly Landscaping Incentive Program

The Florida-Friendly Landscaping Incentive Program (FLIP) is a program designed to reduce the amount of water and fertilizer Pinellas County residents use...


Help decrease flooding, improve water quality and create habitat for wildlife in your area by participating in Pinellas County’s Adopt-A-Pond program. As...